Messiah ben Joseph Vs. Yeshu
Messiah Ben Joseph Vs. Yeshu BS"D What judaism explains concerning the Messiah Ben Yosef concept? Does it agree on something with the so called "messiah" of Christians (Messianic and Nazarenes)? Let's read what Jewish literary sources speak about this issue: A. HIDDEN AND REVEALED MESSIAH. Since the end of the first century of the Christian era (jewish year 3860) onwards, there was speculation about the term "revealed." Not to say that the "revelation" of the Messiah demanded prior concealment, was in the earth or in heaven. According the first theory, the Messiah was to remain unknown and hidden in the earth until the ripen of the divine plan. A rabbinic legend from the third-century of the Vulgar Era places the messiah outside Rome waiting in order to destroy the city (Talmud Bavli, Masechet Sanhedrin 98a). Other legend states that the Messiah born the day of the destruction of the Temple of J...