Saul: False, Liar and Pagan

Saul (Paul, Shaul): False, Liar and Pagan

Notes from the book "La vie secrete de saint Paul" by Robert Ambelain.

Jerome (De viris Illustribus, ML XXIII, 615-646) says that Saul was born in Gischala and whrn he was a teenager suffered the mass deportation, along with his parents, to Tarsus in Cilicia.This deportation was conducted by Varus 4 or 5 years before the Common Era

Saul inconsistencies:

First: by the time of the "Stephen's martyrdom" he would be more or less 57 years, then how is that the writer of Acts (7:58) says he was "young"? Who is lying?

Second: the deportees and their children were considered by the Roman law in perpetuity as "slaves of Caesar" and they fixed a compulsory residence (in this case would be Tarsus), then how he could be transferred freely to Jerusalem supposedly to learn "at the feet of Gamaliel"?

Third:  Jewish sources have a record of all students of the wise men, including Gamaliel, dis you know that the name of Saul is not mentioned among them? The answer is: Paul lies. If someone presents us with a university degree, but the university has no record of it, it is clear: fraud.

Fourth: to all this we must add that Paul claims to have the roman civitas (citizenship) by birth (Acts 22:27-28). How is it possible? slaves are not citizens, neither the jews had the right to have roman citizenship. Something happens, the origins of Paul can not be jewish

Fifth: If he was a jewish, or even a freedman. So how is that supposedly he was executed by beheading  (a unique form of punishment ONLY for roman citizens)?

Sixth: How can he be a roman citizen from Tarsus if that city was not made a roman colony but hundred years later?

Seventh: and if he's a roman citizen by birth, as he boasts in front of the tribune Claudius Lysias (Acts 22:27-28), that menas that he can not be jewish by birth because the roman law stated that the citizenship could not be given to someone who was jewish by birth.

Eighth: how can be possible that "Saul", a jewish by birth was rised together with Menahem and Herod the Tetrarch according Acts 13:1 Μαναήν τεἩρῴδου τοῦ τετραάρχου σύντροφος καὶ Σαῦλος ?  This Saul, according the historical records is Saul bar-Antipater, edomite and herodian.  There's something to add: in his letter to romans (Rom. 16:6 y 11) he refers to se refiere a Herodium, Andronicus and Junia like his relatives.

Ninth:  In Corinth Saul appears before Gallio the brother of Seneca (Nero's advisor), proconsul of Achaia and of whom an inscription discovered at Delphi (1905) titled in the name of Caesar as "Iunius Gallio, my friend, the proconsul of Achaia. " Very curious that according to their stories (Acts 18:16), Gallio at his court take all the Jews out, but Saul remained and was not even counted as jew.

Tenth: Saul was jailed (Acts 23), how can be possible that a common prisoner can receive the visit of his nephew (verse 16) and even as a simple prisoner, has the authority to order a centurion to do things (v.17)?

Eleventh:  How can be possible that if he's a simple jew, the tribune commands that he was sent to Felix the governor escorted by a small army of 200 soldiers, 70 riders and 200 archers?  how can be possible that even this, a horse was prepared specially for he (Acts 23:23-24)?

Twelfth: How can be possible that he says his job is knitting tents (Acts 18:3) if more than a millennium ago, the jewish people were sedentary and that activity [at Paul's time] was only made by edomites (arabs).

Thirteenth: The economic reality of roman empire by that time made extremely difficult that this job could offer enough resources for costing the long travels through the empire... but Paul said: "I have coveted no man's silver, or gold, or apparel. Yea, ye yourselves know, that these hands have ministered unto my necessities, and to them that were with me" (Acts 20:33-34).

Fourteenth: This Saul (Paul) was not educated as a jew, the Clementine Literature (2:8-11) says: "Paul, ambitious for glory, went to Dositheus and fake a friendship begging him that if on of his 30 disciples were dead, he would include him.. when Paul was counted as a Dositheus disciple, he began to despise his master saying that his lectures were not complete nor pure..."

Note: We're in the presence of a roman citizen, not jewish, relative with Herodion, raised with Menahem and Herod the Tetrarch; his name is Saul bar Antipater.  And history (Josephus slavic manuscript among others) tell us his genealogy: Saul bar Antipater, son of Antipater II, son of Costabarus and Salome I, daughter of Antipater I son of an Edomite Prince Herod of Ascalon who was the Priest at the Temple of Apollo.


First: In Corinthians 10:15-19 he writes two phrases: "communion with the blood" and "communion with the body".  The communions with gods by eating sacred food is a pagan idea, aberrant for any jew.  Let's not think even in cannibalism (symbolic or even literal if it appeals to the transubstantiation) which is extremely disgusting for the ethic judaism has towards food.
And even more: the Paul fetishism and obsession with Blood is something taboo for Torah, because everything of a human cadaver is the most impure thing according jewish law.

Second: His mystical conception of "sons of G-d" moves away from the jewish concept and by what he wrote in his letters, comes out to the light that his entire knowledge about it corresponds to gnostic ideas.

Third: The idea of human sacrifice as the perfect way to satisfy G-d (the highest price of human redemption) is not part of Judaism but an idea that's the core of the "Mysteries" of the Pagan religions.

Fourth: Saul's message is pure Orphism, let me show an example:

PAGANISM (Orphism)
Dionysus is the sacred Logos (Word) sagrado, intermediary between Zeus and the men
Yeshu is the Logos (Word), the intermediary (John 1, I Tim 2:5)
Dionysus is the Son of the supreme god (Zeus) with a Virgin (Persephone).
Yeshu is the son of G-d with a Virgin (Mary).
The government of the universe was promised to Dionysus.
Yeshu said "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth" (Matthew 28:18)
The evil Titans took innocent Dionysus and killed him.
According to their books, evil romans took Yeshu and killed him.
Zeus saw the pure sacrifice of his son and resurrected him.
G-d resurrected Yeshu because of his sacrifice (Acts 2:32).
Then, "Zeus put him on a royal throne, put a crown over his head, a scepter on his hands and made him Lord over all gods of the universe" (Cf. Prices, About Plato's Cratylus).
Then, "...when He raised him (Christ-Messiah) from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion" (Eph. 1:20-21).
In Gnostic Orphism, the archontes were principalities that had the power over the material world, and only through the sacred blood of the mystical redeemer in the sacred cross (four elements), the wrath of the god was pacified and at that time, the archontes were removed from their power and were ashamed so they have no power over the humans any more.
Saul wrote about Yeshu: "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it" (Col. 2:14-15).

We invite you to read this spanish article: Saulo, el nazareno (gnóstico)  (Saul the nazarene, gnostic)


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